Automatic bookkeeping QR and IPS recipe

Forget about typing your clients' accounts


From today you post invoices automatically with Zlatnik


Speed up your business, save time - expand your business


Clients scan the invoices themselves, you just book - IT'S POSSIBLE!

Download QR Receipt application

Start taking care of Your expenses

Automatsko knjiženje

Automatsko knjiženje QR i IPS računa

Od danas račune knjižite automatski sa Zlatnik-om

Zaboravite na prekucavanje računa

Ubrzajte svoje poslovanje sa Zlatnik-om, Vaš posao može brže napredovati, oslobađajući Vas daktilografskih izazova.

Klijenti sami skeniraju račune

Klijenti sami skeniraju račune, Vi samo knjižite - MOGUĆE JE!

Align your money and goals

What do you want to achieve? The House? Holiday? New equipment? Financial independence? Set goals and watch them come true.

Take full control

Pay off debt, manage your spending, save more, build wealth and put yourself in the driver's seat of your financial future.

Napravite plan

Kreirajte svoj budžet, organizujte plan isplate i osetite više kontrole.

Use every dinar

Zlatnik is more than just an app. We will help you solve your financial worries without shame or guilt. And yes, you can still buy coffee.

Align your money and goals

What do you want to achieve? The House? Holiday? New equipment? Financial independence? Set goals and watch them come true.

Take full control

Pay off debt, manage your spending, save more, build wealth and put yourself in the driver's seat of your financial future.

Elektronska pošta


060 202 22 00

Radno vreme

Ponedeljak - Petak
09h - 16h